In Memorium – PD Singer
It’s with a heavy heart that we here at Rocky Ridge say farewell to our friend, fellow author, and the founder of this press, PD Singer. She once saw a need for a co-op publisher, where all participating authors help each other. Now, years later, we have form a successful team with the shared goal […]
Some free side stories for you
Everyone staying in? Staying healthy? Eden and Pam have stories to encourage you. Bo and Lucky have had a dreadful time at holidays. Somehow their cases conspire to keep them away from each other, but Eden’s done a little something to make their Christmas memorable. Free for a few days at Amazon: Lucky has dreamed […]

Running to Him is ready for you.
Pam’s first book in a new series, Men of Monument, is out all over! Running to Him, Tim and Carson’s story, has some heavy moments, but it also has the blossoming of Tim’s first love, and the thawing of Carson’s heart. Uniting against a common foe will do that to you. They’ve got a dilly, […]